Only To Me (Secrets of the Past) Read online
Page 8
“No Christian, he works for Eric”
He continued to walk forward reaching for my hand.
“It’s ok Anna, you can trust him.”
“Your father is Mr. Gregory Christian, how is he your uncle?”
“No my father’s name is Silas Ravini.” He stated shamelessly. “I was placed into the Gregory’s home after my birth.”
The news hit me too fast and my head felt light.
Silas Ravini was the Alpha of our pack before I was born. We were told fabled stories of him as children from the older kids that lived on the reservation, but aside from the stories I knew nothing of him.
The fear was now gone but the confusion sunk in. Christian grabbed my arm to keep me from falling.
“Amarog is my uncle, and we are taking back what is rightfully mine.”
I cut him off “what are you talking about, what’s rightfully yours?”
He placed his finger on my lips.
“Listen Anna, we don’t have much time…..My father was the rightful Pack Master of the Camber wolfs. Gabrielle stepped up after his death.”
“I don’t understand Christian.”
I was answered by Amarog.
“Infighting within the packs caused Lorena, Christians’ mother to run. Fearing her life and his, she gave him to the Gregory’s and disappeared.
I looked at Christian wide eyed as he continued to hold my arm.
“Anna on the first full moon I need you away from the Pack Masters home, can you manage that?”
I continued to stare at him motionless
“Anna” he shook breaking me from my spell.
“Yeah, yes, I can manage that” I stuttered
“Good, remember the first full moon.” he said pulling me into him as Amarog unlocked the door and stepped out. He leaned down and kissed me.
“I need you to go now.”
He released me and walked me to the door into Amarogs waiting arms. I grabbed his hand still needing the extra support as he walked me away from the restroom.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.”
“Good I need for you to act as normal as possible, Tristan will be waiting by the food court, and this must stay buried deep within you.”
We stepped onto the escalator and walked towards the food court. Amarog was behind me again and I pretended to window shop as we made our way to the food court.
Tristan was sitting at a table with three girls surrounding him. I walked towards him.
“I’ll be leaving now.”
The girls at the table looked at me with disgust as I interrupted their flirting.
“I believe he’s busy right now so butt off slut” the one in the center said
I ignored her
“Ladies we must do this another time” Tristan said while getting up kissing each of their hands. He looked at me with a frown, and Amarog gave him a disappointed look.
I turned and walked away with my two body guards behind, I could hear the girls talking trash behind my back. I would have enjoyed kicking their asses but decided not to waste my time. I knew Tristan would only toy with them because they held no merit as a mate for anyone in our pack.
Chapter 13: Full Moon Service
Weeks passed and I avoided Eric as much as possible. He would randomly show up at our house and try to whisk me away for this reason or that. I learned to quickly lie and form my excuses to avoid him as much as possible.
I knew the full moon ceremony was approaching and Eric would try to pressure me into attending. I wracked my brain with excuse after excuse until I decided that being ill would be my best option for not going.
My mother was overly excited at the upcoming party. She stood running her hands through the multiple dresses strewn about her bed. The one she had just tried on was now on the floor as she picked up a long flowing black gown. It was simple, completely black with sheer sleeves that flared at the wrist.
“I think this is the one Anna” she said pulling the dress up “what do you think”
I looked at her in the gown, it was beautiful on her, fitted and showed the outline of her body in all the right places.
“It’s beautiful” I said sitting at the mirror eyeing her as she walked to the closet pulling out a pair of black 4 inch heels. She pulled them on and stood to admire herself.
“You really are beautiful, I think that one is the one.”
She smiled and twirled.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes that one is perfect.”
“Ok scoot.”
I got up from the chair so she could sit. She pulled her hair into a neat bun, and begin applying her makeup.
“It would be really nice if you came tonight, I don’t think anyone in our family has ever missed the Full Moon service before. I guess you’ll be the first.” she shrugged
“I’m not really in the mood to celebrate” I lied thinking of what Christian had told me. Although I would miss the ceremony, which was a tradition among our people, I knew I couldn’t go.
“But you’re gonna miss the blood toast, this is your first year, and you know it brings luck to our people.” She said eyeing me through the mirror. “And it’ll bring joy to your marriage.”
I glowered at her and decided it was time for me to leave.
“You look lovely mother, I’m going to bed.”
I walked out as she turned looking at my back. I ran upstairs and flopped down on my bed. I absolutely could not believe my mother, she knew I despised this marriage, yet she continued to push it upon me. Lying in bed I was became restless, I got up and headed for the door, I needed to run.
I opened the front door and begin trotting down the stairs. A black limo pulled into the driveway and Eric stepped out holding three black boxes. He was dressed in all black. The shirt buttoned down and collared. It was neatly ironed. The pants and jacket were flawlessly tailored and fit his body perfectly.
“Why aren’t you getting ready for the ceremony?” He questioned
“I’m not feeling well, so I decided to stay home.”
“You look fine to me,” he said walking towards me “these are for you, put them on, I’ll be waiting for you.”
He handed me the boxes, as he spoke.
“I have no intentions of going to the ceremony tonight Eric”
“Well you don’t have a say in the matter, so get dressed” he said heading back to the car.
Grief sunk in my heart as I tried to think of a good excuse. Christian warned me not to be there and Eric was forcing me to go. I stood there holding the boxes drowning in my own thoughts.
“Well” he said flicking his hand towards the door then looking down at his watch.
I was defeated.
I walked into the house and slammed the door.
Upstairs I laid the boxes on my bed, sat down next to them and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn’t know what to think, what to do.
A small knock came from the door and my mother walked in.
“Eric is waiting downstairs, he’s wandering how much longer you’ll be.”
“As long as I find necessary.”
I rolled my eyes and she stepped out noting my attitude. I sat there for an extra five minutes before grabbing the biggest box at the bottom.
A long black dress was neatly folded in the box. I picked it up eyeing the details. It was haltered and backless, with a short train, and a thigh high slit. It was beautiful but not quite my taste as it showed too much flesh. I pulled the dress up over my body and the back only came as far as a belt would. Angrily I opened the second box. Four inch black heels with a single strap for the ankle and a small diamond on each clasp sat atop a satin pillow. I placed them on fumbling with the straps before grabbing the smaller box which I knew had to carrying a piece of jewelry because of the size. Inside was a thin diamond chain, it was heavy and long. When I pulled it over my head it fell down as far as my navel. I walked to the mirror and evaluated my image. I wasn’t expecting to
go to the ceremony and I definitely wasn’t expecting to look this stunning going under other circumstances.
I sat at the mirror and parted my hair across I pulled the top half up placing the clip to hold it in place. The rest hung wavy covering my back. I was thankful I had forgotten the haircut and only a few inches of skin showed. I dabbed a bit of lip gloss on, I figured if I was going I might as well go presentable. I walked out of the room and headed to the conversation in the family room.
Eric and Lucas both stood up as I entered. Lucas was dressed in a black suit with a crisp red but-ton down to match. The fedora added a nice touch to the suit and his personality.
“You look amazing.”
Eric was the first to speak and my mother and Lucas agreed in unison.
In the limo the three conversed about the ceremony. I looked out the window, and only spoke when directly spoken to. We pulled up to the driveway, the car rolled slowly as cars ahead of us stopped and the passengers stepped out. When we reached the valet, Eric stepped out first and reached for my hand. I simply took it and stepped out. Lucas and my mother followed with the same motions. We walked up the stairs to the same wooden doors. They were being held open by two stone gargoyles. Inside people were, drinking, chatting or dancing.
Eric, whisked me around the room introducing me to face after face. As quickly as he had introduced them I had forgotten them. My mind was somewhere else and constantly scanned the room nervously.
“Why do you keep looking around?” Eric asked me as we walked away from the group of people.
“Just taking the party in,” I responded turning my back to him and grabbing a glass of champagne that was passing.
I walked off before reaching the next couple. He didn’t follow as I expected. Which was good for me, because I couldn’t stand being so close to him for so long. I walked through the mob, nodding at people and excusing myself as I squeezed through and around them.
I made my way outside to the back, and noticed how big it was. About half the size of a foot-ball field. Thick woods lined the yard and a short stone wall held the growing vegetation back. To the left there was a two story in-law suite closer to the wall than the house.
Seven chairs lined the black stage that sat to the right of the yard. Candles sat on each step adding a bit of extra glow to the setting. Four post with lights running up and down them held up the roof.
I didn’t pay attention to the crowd and made my way to the smaller house I hoped would bring quiet peace. The house was a mirrored version to the Pack House but with a more informal feel. I grabbed a book off the shelf and sat on the couch. I unstrapped the shoes and propped my feet up relaxing.
I relished in the soundless room, and was all too happy to be away from the crowd. The book couldn’t hold my interest, I was too worried about the possibilities of the evening. Christian urged me to stay away and I was now in the one place I promised him I wouldn’t be. Trapped by my unwanted mate, surrounded by our clan of people and desperate for an escape. I didn’t realize I wasn’t breathing until the front door opened, and I turned to see Amarog standing behind me.
“I saw you come to the party. I need you to get out of here, now” He urged grabbing my arm and leading me towards the door.
Eric was on the other side of the pool, he looked as if he had been scanning the crowd before, placing his eyes on us. He waved his hand and Amarog led me to him.
Eric wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me to his side. My hand landed on his chest to push away from the closeness of our bodies, but his nails dug into my abdomen. It was a silent confirmation that he wasn’t letting me go.
“Thank you Amarog, I thought my little wolf had gotten away from me for a moment, we can’t have that, now can we?”
Amarog didn’t have time to reply.
“Come Anna the blood toast will begin soon and you must be by my side.
Chapter 14: The Blood Toast
A smaller crowd of about thirty begin pouring out onto the manicured lawn. Conversation filled the area as mated couples crossed the grass to each other, and the younger wolves my age walked to their parents. I knew that the blood toast was nearing because everyone was grouping with their immediate family.
Eric led me up the stairs of the stage and pulled me to the chairs to the left. Lucas and my mom stood at the front of the crowd. She was full of pride as she winked at me.
We stood there as Eric’s parents ascended the center stairs. His father stood in front of the chair in the center and his mother next to Eric. Amarog, T.B, and, Marcus Walker entered from the opposite side, standing in front of the other three chairs.
When the crowd fell silent Mr. Gadreal begin to speak.
“Good evening everyone, and welcome to our home.” The crowd clapped “We would like to give thanks to the moon and to rejoice in the strength of our clan as we welcome our youngest members and their transitions into the pack. Everyone clapped and cheered. I noticed happy fathers slapping their sons’ backs or hugging their daughters around the yard. I counted a total of seven young wolves this year including myself.
Eric was holding my hand which was sweaty and clammy. He didn’t release it although I’m sure he could feel the tension. I scanned the crowd looking for any indication of danger as Christian had warned.
After a while of Mr. Gadreal giving his speech, he glanced back and nodded and Eric stepped forward.
“As your pack master I have decided that it is time for me to step down and name my heir as my successor.”
The crowd clapped and Eric stepped forward pulling me along his side to the front of the stage.
“I would like to thank you all for welcoming me as your new Pack Master.” another set of claps echoed through the crowd.
“Let the blood toast begin” he hailed.
At the same moment two men were dragged onto the stage blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. From the scent I could tell they were human. They looked rough, as each had multiple tattoos and donned the same dirty blue jean vest with a biker logo printed largely on the back.
“This year” Eric begin addressing the crowd, “we have two very special guest.”
The crowd cheered and whistled excitedly
“These two are the worst kind of scumbags” Eric said playfully walking towards the men, finally releasing me from his grip.
“For their crimes, I sentence them to death.”
The crowd begin hooting and hollering, whistling and cheering at the decree. Eric pulled a blade from his pocket and freed the prisoner’s hands. He snatched the blindfolds from their faces. They stood their hesitant and suspicious at the crowd in front of them. Random members snarled and growled at the men with eagerness. They were obviously ready and anticipating what Eric had planned.
Eric walked in front of the scared men.
“You have five minutes, if you make it to the tree that’s marked with the red x then you are no longer in our territory and your life will be spared… you go that way” He pointed towards the stone wall and the woods menacingly.
The two men looked at each other uncertainly before jumping off the stage and running for the woods. I followed them with my eyes as did the rest of the pack as they jumped the wall and disappeared.
A light chatter picked up across the crowd as members became hopeful of the chase. Eric walked back to me and I realized what was about to happen. This was my first blood ceremony and I had no idea a hunt was a part of the ritual.
“Are you ready?” he asked extending a hand that I refused to take. I was shocked and wanted no part of this. Eric addressed the crowd again.
“Let the hunt begin!”
One after the other, the women begin sliding their dresses from their shoulders, exposing their bare bodies. The other six young wolves hesitantly followed. I would have felt a sense of embarrassment if they hadn’t decided to wear underclothing as well. Lily stood uncomfortable as Mike undressed her, and Clara stared at Eric as she slid her dress down, and her perfe
ct breast stood firm. The men yanked their shirts open and stripped from their pants. Some were completely naked and unashamed, while others remained in their underwear. Mated couples playfully undressed each other in a way that would make the average person uncomfortable.
Eric walked back to me with his shirt already off. He grabbed the straps of my dress and slid them down my shoulders, which caused it to fall to the floor.
I didn’t object to what was happening; I couldn’t feel the usual anger that engulfed me whenever he touched me. I could only feel the pull of the moon telling me to run. I was about to pull the chain over my head to shift when I was stopped by Eric’s hands.
“Keep that on little wolf,” he smiled eyeing my frame before throwing my hair from my shoulder. I tensed at his touch and I felt horrible inside although my skin was fevered with desire.
The crowd begin to blur as one person after the other shifted into their wolf form. I could see my mother and Lucas had already shifted, and he was tugging at her ear like a cub.
Almost in Unison the wolves howled together when the moon peaked through the night clouds.
I could feel my body heating up uncontrollably, and I was being compelled to shift. Eric reached to my head and pulled the hair clip out causing my hair to fall wildly in my face. I could feel the heat intensifying, and Eric jumped into his wolf form. My mind was being dominated and I fell to the ground.
I was now on all fours, fur covering my body and the moon calling my name. Eric’s black wolf and my russet colored fur stood out amongst the grey wolves that lined the yard. The chain that was too big in my human form fit the shape of my neck perfectly as a wolf, and I realized it was a diamond collar.
I was angry for allowing myself to change with the jewelry still on, and a low growl came from my chest. He walked towards me and a strong unwelcome desire filled my body. Clara stepped forward a bit and I stepped back to avoid the yearning to snap at her and lick his lip at the same time.