Only To Me (Secrets of the Past) Read online

Page 7

  Eric spoke for me

  “As she should be treated of course”

  He and Jonathon walked towards the bar joking and jousting with each other.

  Sheila stood in front of me awkward as Isabelle headed back to the door.

  “Excuse me.” I said walking off. I went to the rest room, and locked the door behind me. I looked in the mirror and fought back the tears.

  My failed attempt was repelled as the salt water came streaming down my face. I grabbed a tissue, Eric’s scent hit me and a knock rang on the door. I wiped my face, threw away the tissue and walked out the door past him.

  He followed trying to grab hold of my hand but I politely folded them together in front of me. We walked into the room which was just about filled now. Lucas and my mother were at the bar and I excitedly headed towards them. Eric grabbed my arm in mid stride pulling me in the opposite direction.

  “Not so fast, I want to introduce you.”

  He flaunted me around the party from this person to the next, displaying me as a trophy he had just won.

  A group of darkened figures caught my eye and I couldn’t move my gaze from them. The group of four stood away from the crowd but their massive sizes was indifferent from everyone in the room. The woman in front was thin and tall. Although she had a long scar down the side of her face you could still see her attraction. Her hair was a deep chocolate that was cut into a bob. Behind her, I could see a smaller girl no older than me. Her hair was as brown as the woman’s, but her stature did not compare to the others in the group. The other three were slender but muscular with the same brown hair and a few inches taller than the woman.

  “Who are they?” I asked Eric, still looking towards the group.

  “That’s the Barlow family, a bunch of filthy power hungry mutts. You are not to associate your-selves with them.”

  Eric pulled me away from the family, and walked me through the crowd.

  Lily was with Mike Rawlings from school proudly gripping his waist with ownership. We walked up to the couple and a grimace coated her face before she looked to Eric and smiled.

  “How are my party goers doing?” Eric smirked devilishly only to Lily. He blatantly flirted with her in front of me and Mike. She was obviously returning the favor

  “This is my first time here and it is amazing.”

  She was too excited but Mike just stood there unfazed and silent.

  “May I speak with you Master Eric it’s important.” She spoke.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a matter that requires a bit of privacy.”

  They walked off leaving Mike and I standing there with what the hell looks on our faces before he excused himself and headed to get a drink.

  Now that I was alone, I walked over to my mother and Lucas and chatted with them happily. I could see Eric and Lily enter through the door and she rushed back to Mike’s side stealing his drink. Eric glared at me for a second and went to stand by his mother’s. I continued the conversation with Lucas when my mother begin speaking to her cousins.

  “Are you ok Anna, you seem distracted”

  “I’m fine, I honestly could have skipped the party tonight. You know I’d rather be running.”

  “Amen to that, but you know I won’t pass up free drinks.”

  We laughed

  “Here baby sis, have a taste of this, ease your mind.”

  I took his cup and sipped it, making a face at the burning in my throat.

  “You’ll get used to it” he said grabbing his cup back with a laugh.

  “I think I’ll pass for now.”

  The party went on for a few more hours until the guest begin to leave. As Lucas and my mom were headed out I decided to follow and ride with them.

  Mrs. Gadreal stopped me.

  “A moment of your time Anna before you leave, we’ll have someone take you home, you can wait in the study just to the right there. We’ll be in shortly.”

  I stood puzzled for a moment, and she motioned her hand towards the end of the hall opposite of the front door.

  I walked until I came upon the two sliding doors at the end of the hallway and pushed one to the side to enter. It was heavy, and felt like it was made from a whole tree. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

  The room was dimly lit but just as big as the extended lobby. There was a brown conference table in the middle with eight chairs slightly pulled away from it. To the right two stairs that lined the entire wall led to a huge stockpile of medieval weapons, there were crossbows, daggers, ropes, and rods that hung perfectly against the entire wall.

  I examined the room and noticed another bar. I walked to it and grabbed a bottle of brown alcohol and poured it in a glass preparing to take Luke’s advice and ease my mind. With my first sip down, the doors were pushed open and I sat the glass down and stared at the faces entering.

  Two sentinels, Eric, Isabelle, Amarog, Marcus, and T.B walked in apparently holding a silent conversation just before.

  “Anna we meet again,” Marcus spoke “I’m sad to know that it’s under not so favorable circum-stances.”

  I looked at him confused walking away from the bar.

  “My associates and I are burdened by the mockery you continue to make of our pact. We have been informed that you continue to refuse Eric as your mate and has embarrassed his family with public announcements of love for another. Is that correct?

  I didn’t answer his question, I was too shocked to learn that Lily must have betrayed me.

  “Mrs. Jameson are you listening to me” he asked formally.

  I shook my head ready to defend myself but my answer was slapped out of my mouth so fierce my face stung. Eric’s mother was staring at me livid.

  “I told you whore, you will not bring embarrassment to my family.”

  My hand was frozen on my face and I looked at her shocked before she turned her back to me and stormed out of the room.

  At the same time, I was grabbed forcefully by the sentinels as I struggled wildly to get free from their grip.

  On the stairs a thick wooden post rose from the floor and two silver shackles hung from each side. They dragged me to the post and locked my wrist into the cuffs before stepping away. My back was now to the crowd, and I could hear Amarogs voice.

  “Is this really necessary?” he appealed.

  “As necessary as I find it.” Eric snarled

  Marcus begin speaking again.

  “Anna we have counseled, you must be disciplined for your corruption. We have ruled that Eric will deliver three lashings to discourage your defiance…….The first for you rebellion towards your mate, the second for you disobedience, the third is to rid your mind of the boy. Do you understand the charges brought against you?”

  The public lashings that were displayed for the pack to witness, was not something easily forgotten. Every so often someone would be found guilty of a crime, and sentenced consequently. The Pack would be gathered in the opening, and the screams of the guilty individual that was being punished rang through the quarter as the sound of the silvered whip tore away at their flesh.

  I could smell Eric behind me.

  “Be grateful it’s not silver,” his hot hands touched my back and a low tear ripped from my dress. My back was now bare as the dress hung loosely around my body.

  I could hear him take a few steps back, and the clicking a lock forced me to close my eyes, and I gripped the post for dear life.


  The sound of whooshed air filled the room and fire was slapped across my back. Tears were immediately falling from my eyes as the sting of the whip jolted my eyes open and I screamed in agony.

  The second lashing and a glass shattering scream hurled from my mouth. I was shaking desperately wanting to free myself. My head dropped and the third lash slapped across my back and I slumped. My breathing was heavy and pant like as I released the post.

  I could hear the footsteps exiting the room as they left me sitting there with blood trickling down my

  I could feel my back mending itself back to health when my eyes shot open from warm fingers. Amarog was now squatted in front of me unlocking my wrist. I dropped but was caught before I could hit the floor. I was completely numb and my muscles ached from the position I had been sitting in.

  I looked up to his face.

  “You’re ok, it’s only been an hour or so and your back is almost completely healed.”

  I stood with his help, but my feet tingled hot as the blood begin rushing back into them. He caught me in his arms and held me up until I could stand alone.

  “There are clothes on the table, get dressed and meet me out front.”

  He walked out the door and I slowly stepped forward grabbing the clothes and pulling them on. I walked out the door to a dark hallway and a quiet house. I was afraid to move but I also knew I wanted to be out of this house. No one was visibly around, but I continued through the door not waiting to find out.

  Amarog waited by a black SUV. Once I was in he closed the door behind me and walked to the driver’s side. We pulled out of the long driveway and I noticed most of the sentinels were gone as well.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “They’ve gone on a hunting party.”

  “And you stayed behind?”

  He was now looking at me through the mirror. “Yes... I found it cruel to leave you shackled for another hour or so.”

  His eyes went back to the road.

  “We may descend from animals but we don’t have to act like them.”

  I smiled at the simple joke, although the way he said it was serious and hard.

  I unlocked the door and walked into the dark house. I walked to my room slowly and eased my way into my bed.

  Chapter 11: They’ll Kill You

  I could hear mumbling voices and heavy footsteps walking the hallway. Every now and again I would hear my door open and close. I could smell Christian and feel his touch so strongly but my mind wouldn’t allow me to escape it. I laid in the bed unable to move trying to fight the un-necessary darkness of my dreams.

  I looked into the casket and Christian’s eyes stared at me, I looked back to my mother, but it was no longer her on the ground. I stared at myself holding the black rose as the rain soaked my clothes.

  “CHRISTIAN!” I screamed and my eyes flew open. Instead of the wet ground beneath me, it was the softness of my bed, and I knew it was just a dream. I adjusted myself and pulled my knees up to my chest.

  A knock on the door and my mother walked in.

  “Oh Anna you had me worried sick.” She came and touched my forehead.

  “Your fevers down…you were burning up and mumbling in your sleep. You screamed for Chris-tian every night, we tried frantically to wake you but you wouldn’t budge...Eric has been here for two days now wracking his brain fearfully. He hasn’t hunted or eaten anything for three days now, I finally kicked him out this morning, I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”

  I placed my hand up to halt my mother from rambling.

  “How long was I out?”

  “Three days, two nights, I was going to call Dr. Pratt in the morning, Lucas hasn’t been home since the first night, he’s going crazy with worry.”

  “Where is he,” I said throwing my legs over the bed ready to run into the woods and find him.

  She lightly pushed my chest, forcing me to sit back on the bed.

  “You’re not going anywhere, not in your state.”

  “I’m fine” I mumbled,

  “No, not until I’m sure.”

  She was now placing my legs back on the bed and I noticed I wasn’t wearing the same clothes I had fallen asleep in.

  “You stay here I’ll fix you something to eat.”

  I sat on the bed my legs now back to my chest. After a few minutes or so I walked towards my window. I pushed it open and let the night air hit my face. The moon was almost full, and my wolf itched to jump out of the window and run against the wind.

  I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth, deciding I would at least go downstairs. A low thud came from inside my room and I thought my mother had just come in. I continued to wash my face and hands in the sink. As I stepped back into my room I just knew I was still asleep. It was all a dream and my mind was playing tricks on me.

  “Did you miss me?” He asked self-confidently jumping from the windowpane onto the floor.

  “But how, and when.” I fumbled.

  Then the thought of the guard had me immediately afraid.

  “Christian you have to get out of here, they’ll kill you,” I said shoving him back towards the window.

  “Is that the response I get for risking my life” he joked, but I couldn’t see the humor in the situation. I feared for his life.

  “Relax Anna.”

  His lips moved to mines and our tongues danced, which overpowered any other emotion I felt and I knew he was real. When he released me I looked at those eyes and planted my mouth back onto his, continuing where he left off. He instantly grabbed my back and pulled me as close as we could get. A knock on the door made me jump and we stopped.

  “You should probably get that it’s your mother.” He whispered.

  He followed me to the door and leaned against the wall behind it, as I opened it

  “Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine, I thought I saw something.”

  “Well dinners ready whenever you are.”

  “I’ll be down soon.”

  “Are you sure honey you haven’t eaten?”

  “I’m fine mom, I promise.”

  She looked at me one last time before walking off. I closed and locked the door behind her. Christian was standing there smiling

  “In a hurry are we?”

  I stepped into his arms.

  “How are you even here right now? Your scent? Wont the ‘dogs’ catch your scent, and my mother? How?” I rambled.

  “I’m not worried about that I’ve been here twice already after” He paused before continuing “I’m good, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

  “But how”

  “I made a few new friends on the road. Masked my scent.”

  “Oh” was all I could say at the news before he picked me up to kiss me without having to lean down.

  I hugged his neck, happy that my Christian was back.

  He placed me back down.

  “I don’t have much time but I had to see you, I couldn’t bear it anymore.”

  He grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers and sat on the bed pulling me into his lap.

  “Did you miss me?”

  “I can’t survive without you.”

  “I’m here now.”

  “Yeah” I started “but you can’t stay.”

  I frowned and he grabbed my chin.

  “I told you I have a plan, we’ll be together soon enough, I promise you that.”

  He kissed my neck.

  “I have to go, the patrol will start soon.”

  I gripped his arm not wanting him to leave but I knew that I had to let him go. He stood up and pulled me to him one last time. He leaned into my neck and inhaled deeply before placing a small kiss on my hand, and exiting through the window. I watched as he ran off into the woods and disappeared. I walked to my bed and wrapped my arms around myself.

  Chapter 12: Unknown Allies

  I sat in the kitchen. My fingers ran across my lips as I thought about Christians lips from last night. I hadn’t heard a word my mother was saying I sat at the table picking over my breakfast. I was so into my feelings I didn’t notice Lucas and Eric were now at the door. His voice broke me from my thoughts and looked up to see everyone staring at me.

  I’m sure my cheeks were red with embarrassment.

  “So how about it Anna.”

  “What?” I asked

  “You go out today, maybe call Lily, and go shopping or something.”

  “Oh, I don’t know mom, I’m not really in the mood”

  “It’s summer break and you’v
e been cooped up in the house for a week now”

  I didn’t answer.

  Eric and Christian had walked into the family room, and sports center was playing in the back-ground.

  “Come on honey go have some fun, here’s some money, pick you up something nice.” She urged.

  I placed the money in my pocket

  “It’ll be nice, just to get out for a while, you can take my car.”

  “No, I’ll have Amarog take her.” Eric said appearing through the door.

  I looked at him.

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  He ignored me as he spoke into his cellphone.

  At the car a young sentinel named Tristan was waiting with the back door open. I hopped in, Amarog was sitting in the driver’s seat. Tristan closed the door and hopped into the passenger side.

  At the mall both Amarog and Tristan followed a few feet behind me. I went inside shop after shop, browsing and running my fingers along the clothes. The two men followed behind me silently. After entering the fifth store I could hear Tristan becoming inpatient as he and Amarog had a silent conversation.

  After looking at a blue sun dress I decided to buy, I noticed Tristan was no longer with us. I made my way to the register, Amarog stayed behind me silently watching. I rode the escalator to the downstairs portion of the mall which wasn’t as crowded as the top. I walked eyeing the shops.

  Suddenly Amarog was closer to me than he had been all day. His hand flew over my mouth and I felt him lift me up and carry me through a door. My eyes were now wide from the fear.

  He placed me on my feet.

  “I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth, can you promise me you won’t scream.”

  I shook my head and agreed. He moved his hand and I turned to him scared, he turned to the door of the restroom and locked it. My head snapped to a stall as I heard the door opening from the opposite side.

  “Christian” I smashed into him knocking him into the door.

  He looked down at me with a smile and then to Amarog who was leaning against the locked door.

  “Annalise, this is my uncle”

  I was shocked at what Eric was saying as he smiled at my face.

  “Your Uncle” I questioned “But”

  I just knew Christian was crazy and was consorting with the enemy. I backed away from him afraid that we had been caught, afraid that I would be dragged back to Eric and forced to marry him. Christian walked towards me slowly realizing the fear on my face.