Only To Me (Secrets of the Past) Read online
Page 10
“What was that about Christian, and where are you going?”
“I have to attend a meeting with the Shelby Group. A caravan was attacked, and only one survivor remains.”
“That’s awful, do they have any leads?” I asked suddenly interested. I feared Eric would come back for revenge and assumed an attack on another pack could only be the work of his malicious family.
“They suspect the Dire wolves are involved but are unable to get any new information right now. I’m going to help since we’re the closest Pack/”
I was suddenly nervous.
“Do you think that’s a good idea Christian… I mean I understand they are in need right now but what about our Pack.”
“Our pack is fine, security is tight and I have eyes everywhere ensuring I’m the first to know if the Gadreals are headed this way.”
His light tone didn’t ease my tension and I wanted to beg him to stay with me. Instead I shook my head lightly.
“You’re right, I’m just a little paranoid that’s all.”
My tone was light but inside I couldn’t handle the fear that wanted to creep up and expose me for the liar I was.
“I won’t ask you to join me because I know you’ll be safer here. What you can do for me is calm down so I won’t be worried about you and end up getting myself into trouble.”
We both smiled at his attempt to make me laugh.
“When are you leaving?”
“Wow you don’t give much notice do you?”
I was clearly agitated that I got less than a twenty four hour notice, and promptly folded my arms. He smiled at my behavior and pulled me over the Beladora executive desk, knocking everything to the floor to place me on his lap.
“I’ll only be gone for the day, so you won’t even have time to miss me.”
Before I could respond the phone rang again, and I was growing frustrated with the constant interruptions. I tried to stand to but Christian pulled me back to his lap and then answered the phone. He listened to the caller for a while as he placed light kisses on my neck.
“Goddammit” he yelled into the phone, and I stood to give him space.
Although I could have easily heard the other end of the conversation, I intentionally avoided listening. From the anger in his eyes I knew something was wrong. He slammed the receiver down and stood before grabbing the phone again.
“What is it Christian?”
He ignored my question as he spoke into the line.
“Sara, send Amarog to me please.”
“Another attack.”
“Where, was anyone hurt?”
“No. The Lexington pack was attacked.’
“Why would they randomly attack two different packs, it doesn’t make sense.”
Amarog walked through the door and looked at his angered nephew before calmly sitting in the burgundy club chair.
“There was another attack, the numbers have grown since Shelby and Chief Lorick says they’re recruiting. That’s the motive behind the attacks but the Dire scum are definitely planning something big.”
Amarog stood and ran his hand through his hair before answering.
“It’s a power move, they’re growing their numbers for something bigger… Send word to the other two surrounding packs. I don’t trust this situation and if their numbers are growing, so will ours. I’ll call around to see if I can get a load of sentinels this way in case they’re headed this way.”
Christian listened to his uncle’s advice wholeheartedly before turning to me.
“I guess you’re stuck with me after all.”
I rolled my eyes at him. He was always joking.
“This is serious Christian, what do you need me to do?”
I didn’t know much about the Dire wolves but I would fight until death for my family, and although a lot of drastic changes happened so quickly I knew that I would never second guess going to war.
“Go to Kael, he should be in the guest house, have him prepare the sentinels, tell Sara to call around town, no one goes to the woods alone, and then call your mother and my parents, get them here now. If there’s going to be an attack they’ll go for family first.”
Christian didn’t hesitate with the orders and I swiftly turned to make my way to Kael. I tapped on the door and a shirtless Kael answered. From the sweat covering his body I was sure I had just interrupted a harsh workout. I tried not to watch to harshly, for two obvious reasons. Kael’s body was covered in scars, scratches and bites because apparently every male wolf in our pack was blessed with a chiseled body. I gave him the commands and he slapped his fist into his hand excitedly. Apparently not only does good looks run in the genes but the excitement of the fight as well.
I walked back towards the big house when Kael decided to throw on a shirt before following. I went to the office and dialed out through the available line.
“Hey Lucas.”
“Don’t tell me you’re missing home already?”
“This is no joking matter Luke, I need you and Mom to get to the pack house as soon as possible. Bring enough clothes for the week, and call your job, tell them you have a family emergency and won’t be in for a while.”
Dominance and superiority projected through my voice and for the first time I could feel the pull of my Alpha nature under stress. I should have known that unlike any other member of the Pack, Lucas would be the one to question me.
“What’s going on Anna?”
“I just need you all here, I’ll explain everything later.”
A quick ok and he was gone. I took a breath before calling the Gregory’s. Our relationship was strained in the beginning, but I still felt a pang of guilt for putting their son in danger. Of course Mrs. Gregory expressed those feelings to me brazenly after the fight but after a quick second she embraced me with a hug and welcomed me as Christian’s mate. The men in the pack were brave and eager to fight but the women held a protective shield no man could match.
I picked up the free line and dialed out to the Gregory’s.
“Hello Mrs. Charlotte.”
“Hi, Anna, how’s my daughter in law doing?”
“I’m fine but there’s a problem, we need you, Mr. Alexander and Andrew to be here no later than night fall. Be sure to bring clothing for the week.”
“Ok Anna, um, is Christian hurt?”
“No he’s fine he’ll explain everything when you arrive.”
“Ok, we’ll be there shortly, goodbye.”
She disconnected the line and left me with the urge to do something. Sitting around making calls while the Packs were under attack was unsettling. I decided to go back to Christian’s office to aid any way I could.
The men were arguing inside about what the next move should be. I walked through the door and Christian lifted his hand for me to join his side at the desk. Amarog looked out the window in deep thought as Kael, sat across from the Christian with his arms folded defiantly.
“After word of the attacks no other clan has a soldier to spare, everyone’s on red alert until we have more information”
Amarog spoke up first.
“My men are prepared we won’t need any help if that scum decides to hit us. The last I checked there was only a group of ten or so, we can handle them easily.”
Kael was confident in his sentinels. They were only a group of thirteen but had a track record of success, under the many Alphas they served. Their loyalty was never questioned because they believe not in just protecting the Alpha but the Pack as a whole.
“I hope that to be true Kael but you know as well as I do the Dire’s are bigger, stronger, and malicious. They don’t fight fair and will ambush us if they find any weakness in our defense.”
Amarog spoke to the window seal but Christian and Kael listened carefully. I stood next to Christian silently, he turned his attention back to me.
“Did you reach everyone?”
“Yes my mom and lucas will b
e here by the hour but your mom has to reach your Dad, they should be here by night fall.”
“No that won’t work. Kael gather a van, swing by and pick up my family.”
Without hesitation he jumped up and left the room. Christian begin scribbling wildly on a sheet of paper before handing it to Amarog.
“Go to this address, I have a friend who may be able to help.”
Amarog looked at Christian, questioning his motives.
“Do you think it’s wise for me to leave under these circumstances?”
“You’re the only one I trust with this task Uncle.”
Amarog looked down at the address before folding it into his pocket and leaving.
Chapter 18: Lockdown
“It has to be Eric Christian, behind the attacks I mean. This can’t be a coincidence, it has to be him leading them.”
I tried to remain calm but to Christian I probably sounded frantic.
“I don’t think so Anna, The Barlow family has always been power hungry.”
“Wait, the Barlow family?”
“Yes, you know of them?”
“No, I saw them…at the party, I was told to stay away from them.”
“That’s wise advice, but I’m sure this is just their way of protesting my sudden rise to power. I don’t want you to worry about it, let me handle this, ok.”
Although I nodded with a quick ok, I couldn’t just leave it at that. I walked towards Christian at the window planning to place a subtle kiss on his cheek, but was pulled into a tight embrace. He pulled my chin up so our eyes could meet.
“What are you planning?”
I rolled my eyes
“And what makes you think I’m planning something?”
“Because I know you Anna, you were about to walk out of my office a little too easily, and I know I’m way too irresistible for you to do that, so you must have something on your mind.”
I rolled my eyes again this time at his playful nature. In times of conflict, leave it to Christian to joke.
“I’m going to see if I could find some information on the Barlows.”
“What kind of information.”
“I just want to know more about them that’s all.”
“How are you so sure you’ll find anything useful?”
“I’m not but it won’t hurt to try.”
Instead of a goodbye kiss he twisted his finger around my hair and ran his finger along my abdomen.
“I’ll be here if you need me, have Sara check on the progress of Luke and your mom before you head downstairs please.”
I pecked his lips and walked out the door to find Sara. The smell of fresh liver mush told me she was in the kitchen.
“Hello Anna would you like a sandwich.” She greeted me already preparing a plate.
“Oh, it smells so good, I haven’t had any in months. How do you cook yours if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Fried and crispy of course.” She retorted happily.
Liver mush was one of my favorite dishes, and fried crispy on a sandwich with mayo would definitely ease some of my tension. I was hungrier than I thought, and finished the sandwich in minutes. My watch read four forty seven. I wasn’t keeping up with the time and decided to make my move. I dialed to my mother’s house from the kitchen, there was no answer, so I assumed they must be on their way. To be sure I called Luke’s cell phone, still no answer, so I tried again. I was a bit worried but I assumed they were fine, they were together. I also knew it would be awhile if there was another attack. The first two were over four days apart, and if running from Lexington it would take no less than three days. If they hunted and rested then we had approximately three days to prepare.
When I decided to head to the basement, Kael was walking in with the Gregory’s. I greeted them, with Sara close behind. Mrs. Charlotte was the first to question the situation.
“Death must be at the door for us to be rushed here.”
Mr. Gregory interceded before I answered.
“Don’t listen to her Anna, you know how eccentric she is. How about you show us our rooms and I calm this one down.”
I smiled at his refreshing, light nature. I wasn’t in the mood to be bombarded with questions, I favored being the strong silent type. Sara led them up the stairs towards a set of guest bedrooms. My mother and Lucas were escorted in by a guard. Lucas tugged a strand of my hair.
“What’s going on Anna?”
“I’ll explain everything later find a room upstairs, Sara should be able to help you.”
He jumped the stairs with the luggage, but my mother interrogated me with her eyes.
“When do we find out what’s going on around here. I don’t like being in the dark, and something is telling me Annalise Jameson we have a problem.”
“It’s fine Mom, just taking precautions. I’ll meet you all in the study later.”
I didn’t think I would make it downstairs today without interruptions so I decided to head back to Christians office. As I passed Sara in the hallway I asked her to have everyone meet in the study.
Christian sat in his chair with his hand on his head. I walked up to him and he rested his hands on my hips and his head on my abdomen. My t-shirt ruffled a bit and he let his forehead rest on my navel. I ran my hands through his hair and we stayed there silent for a moment.
His hands ran up my back as he nestled his face into my stomach. I closed my eyes and relished in his touch. I stepped between his legs, wanting to be closer than we were. He placed rough kisses on my ribs, as his lips descended down my abdomen past my navel. His grip on my hips tightened as his breathing picked up, and he managed to unbutton my jeans.
His touch alone was the ice that cooled my fire.
Amarag tapped on the door when neither of us noticed him in the doorway. Christian was instantly standing in front of me as I fixed my clothes
“Am I interrupting?”
Christian answered for the both of us.
“Flawless timing uncle.”
“I think you should hurry and get to the study, Charlotte and Helena are driving me mad with questions.”
“We’ll be down in a moment, a shot or two should suffice.” He joked
At Amarogs exit Christian kissed my cheek.
“I must admit you really are tempting.”
His voice was seductive yet teasing as he nibbled on my ear. I slapped his chest and grabbed his hand. I pulled his heavy weight behind me as I led the way to our family.
When we reached the giant sliding doors, my heart begin to race uncontrollably, and the grip I had on Christians hand probably would have broken a lesser person’s bones. My palm was immediately sweaty and I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. Christian spun me around to him sensing my anxiety. His eyes were questioning and worried beyond belief.
“What is it Anna.”
I didn’t answer, my lips parted but nothing came out. My mouth was as dry as the desert at this point.
“I need water.” I said reaching for my neck, and planning to run off to the kitchen, but Christian never freed my hand.
“I’m fine Christian I promise, I’m just extremely thirsty, that’s all.”
I made sure my voice was calm enough for him to release me. I quickly walked away from him hoping he wouldn’t follow me. I couldn’t step into that room, the images of my lashing came flooding back to my memory all too quickly.
I rushed towards the restroom, and quickly locked the door behind me.
I was sick and disgusted, I leaned over the toilet and my lunch urged out of my mouth. The acid burned my throat as I choked up the last bit of vomit before flushing the toilet. Paying attention only to my sickness I didn’t hear Christian banging on the door. Before I could compose myself enough to let him in, the door was kicked in and he was standing in front of me. His eyes were black and his face flustered with fear.
His hand cuffed my check, and then my forehead.
“Are you alright.”
“I’m fine, just a bit sick
that’s all.”
I tried to sound casual, but the tears that rolled down my face told another story. He ran the water over a face towel, and begin dabbing at my cheeks and neck.
“I want you in bed now.”
This was the first time I ever heard Christian speak to me in such a demanding voice, but I didn’t argue with his logic. I wanted to lie down, I couldn’t gain control of my fear, and although I knew Christian could sense it, I was glad to know he wouldn’t push the issue at the moment.
Without another word he swooped me up by my knees and I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face between my hair and his chest.
He walked slowly through the halls and up the stairs as he held me with ease.
“I’m worried about you Anna.”
I didn’t respond and he continued to speak.
“I know you’re hiding something from me, but I’ll wait for you to tell me exactly what it is. But I won’t allow you to keep your secrets if they affect your health.”
I remained silent as we reached the bedroom. He sat on the bed with me in his lap. I made it my business not to look up to his face, but he grabbed my chin and looked deep into my eyes. It was as if he was searching for something that only my eyes could tell. I turned my head away before standing and kicking my sneakers off. He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me in front of him.
His voice was sad with only a hint of anger, and I knew he was having a hard time with his emotions as well.
“I hate it when you do this Anna.” His teeth were clenched but his hands stayed unmoved from my hips. “I can see you’re hurting but you won’t let me in. How do you think that makes me feel?”
I touched his chest with my hand and ran the other through his hair before leaning in and placing my lips on his forehead. I kept my eyes shut as I inhaled his scent deeply, before pulling back to look him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry Christian, I’m not ready.”